Times are challenging. The impact of the unexpected Covid-19 pandemic, the increasing dynamics of demand, supply chain issues and the “usual” operational challenges are having a significant impact in a manufacturer’s life.
It is not only what happens within the four walls of the factory. We can only deliver a perfect order if we collaborate closely with our partners in the end-to-end value chain and with product lifecycle partners. Perfect order delivery calls for visibility and transparency, and requires consistent and timely information.
Advanced technologies and concepts help us become less dependent on our resources and more agile. They also enhance workers’ skills and offer tools for further improvements.

In this introductory module, we learn that best-in-class means standardize and digitalize, and that a holistic approach in line with strategy is required. MES/MOM applications are the tools that help manufacturers improve their performance and become more competitive. Manufacturers must select the right MES/MOM solutions (from many) based on and matching their operational processes.

  • Discuss the current market drivers for global and smart manufacturing.
  • Recognize how market drivers are rapidly evolving and requiring real-time intelligence in manufacturing plants and across supply chains.
  • Identify operational challenges.
  • Recognize the role of systems integration, collaboration and technology with respect to a successful use of MES/MOM solutions.