Mike James
ATS Global B.V.
Mike is Chairman ATS Global B.V. – the independent solution provider of MOM/MES, automation, quality and IT solutions.
The Internet of Things, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the creation of new manufacturing strategies is his current passion.
Mike completed his financial and business education at Southampton and Bournemouth Universities. His career in manufacturing started at Plessey Electronics followed by Poole Pottery, Allen‐Bradley CNC in the UK and Allen‐Bradley Europa B.V. in The Netherlands.
At Indivers N.V. Mike was responsible for the establishment of aerospace manufacturing units in The Netherlands and the expansion of semi‐conductor manufacturing facilities. Mike is co‐founder of ATS 1986 which is now a global company.
As Chairman of MESA’s Global Education Program from 2009 to 2012 and Chairman of MESA EMEA from 2010‐2013 Mike moved to become President of MOMi, the Manufacturing Operations Management Institute to continue developing MOM education with MESA for the benefit of the manufacturing industry.